Merry Christmas, OFBiz!
HotWax Media Gifts Time, Effort to Improving OFBiz

Empowerment of individuals is a key part of what makes open source work, since in the end, innovations tend to come from small groups, not from large, structured efforts.–Tim O’Reilley

With Christmas just two days away, the HotWax Media team wishes the entire OFBiz community a happy (and productive) holiday season. Like Tim O’Reilley, we believe that innovations tend to come from small groups, and that empowerment of individuals is crucial to the success of the open source movement. We are strongly committed to improving open source  for all. Our gift to the community this year:  our series of bug crush events. We’ve organized five events in the past five months alone. In 2014, we collaboratively worked on hundreds of open source issues. For example,  during our December 20 bug crush event, we  tackled 40 issues and resolved 26.

 Exponential Increase In Resolved OFBiz Issues

It’s rewarding to see the OfBiz community come together to improve open source.  We congratulate the community  for great achievements during 2014. For example, during the past 30 days, issues were resolved at three times the rate that they were created! (See graph). We look forward to continuing our efforts to improve OFBiz in 2015. If you are a qualified OFBiz fan, contact us via the OFBiz mailing lists and plan to join in our 2015 events!


Experience the power of OFBiz with HotWax Media

HotWax Media is the leading global innovator of commerce solutions powered by Apache OFBiz. Contact us today for a free, expert consultation.


DATE: Dec 23, 2014
AUTHOR: Patrick Gibbons
Company News, OFBiz Development, OFBiz