DATE: Sep 28, 2020
AUTHOR: HotWax Systems
Like a house that lasts for centuries, you want to build on a reliable and stable foundation. Which is why, when we created the HotWax Accelerator, we built it on top of Apache OFBiz.
Apache OFBiz is the open source solution for the automation of enterprise processes. It includes a suite of business applications and framework components that are flexible enough to be used across any industry for an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution.
OMS (Order Management System), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), E-Commerce, SCM (Supply Chain Management), MRP (Manufacturing Resource Planning), and WMS (Warehouse Management System) are just a few of the many modules available in OFBiz.
It consists of a common architecture that allows developers to extend or enhance it to create custom features easily. The applications within Apache OFBiz facilitate the management of everything from parties and products to accounting, customer service and internal resource and asset management.
We used OFBiz as our foundation and created the HotWax Accelerator because we wanted to offer a solution to our clients that would help them get where they wanted to go with their business, faster. Instead of building a custom solution from square one, the Accelerator easily shaves three months off of many project timelines because it provides a ready-to-go framework that is then further built upon and easily meets the needs of about 80% of client projects.
The HotWax Accelerator has all the power of Apache OFBiz, plus the benefits that come with owning your own system.
If you are looking at implementing an open source ERP solution and want to accelerate the speed at which your project is completed, then the HotWax Accelerator is worth considering. For the majority of our clients, we find that purchasing the Accelerator shaves about three months off their project timeline.
This applies to clients looking for an open source ERP solution in the broadest sense of the word; whether they’re more ecommerce focused, operations or manufacturing focused, the HotWax Accelerator provides the perfect leg up for seamless project initiation, completion and iteration as needed.
Built on tried and true technology, improved to be more user friendly and designed to meet the needs of today’s enterprise business speed, HotWax Accelerator is the open source system designed to support and evolve your business at a pace that keeps you ahead of the pack.
*Apache OFBiz is a trademark of the Apache Software Foundation.